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I Want it Now! is a song sung by Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


Veruca Salt:
I want it now!
I want it now!
Mr. Salt:
You want it now!
I want it now!
You want it now!
I want it now!
Mr. Salt:
You want it now?
I want it now.
Mr. Salt:
You want it now!
I want it I want it now!
Mr. Salt:
Oh, you want it now.
I want it now!
I want it now!
Mr. Salt:
You can want it now
Now I want it Now!
I want a ball's
I want a party's
Pink macaroon's and a million balloon's
And performinz baboon's and ...
Rrhh rhhh
I want it now
I want it now I want to it now It's my I
Give it's
I want it now
I want it now
I want to braids in my hair
And I
I want it NOW NOW NOW
Ten thousand dollerzz
And if I don't get it now
I'm going to scream!
I want it now
I want it now
Presents and gumballz
And now
Don't and I don't and don't care about how
I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't care how
I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing lyrics[]

The following was a missing verse, sung by Julie Dawn Cole in 2012

I want to ride in a fine crystal carriage.

I want each day to be spring.

And when the time comes to think about marriage,

I want a king.
