A Blueberry is a person who ingests the Magic Chewing Gum Meal. The most notable examples are 20 Oompa Loompas and Ms Violet Beauregarde
The transformation starts as soon as the chewer can taste the blueberry pie flavour. The nose starts to turn blue, before spreading across the face and eventually the entire body. The eyes and hair also turn a rich blue colour. Once the victim is blue all-over, the juice will start to fill them up, starting in the stomach area. The victim's bum will expand at an alarming rate, and could cause them to lose balance. Their cheeks will fill up with juice and become swollen, and they will start to gain height. The victim will then start to round out into a ball shape, with their hands and legs being sucked into their ever-growing body. The swelling process will begin to slow down once the victim reaches ten foot in size, and their only way of movement is being rolled by an external force.